On Friday, the 15th 2010 I flew from Newark, NJ to Hong Kong. I was traveling alongside three other Susquehanna students: Aaron, Alex, and Amanda along with our professor, Dr. Jacobson, and her entire family. I was surprised to learn that instead of flying over the Atlantic or Pacific Ocean, we were going to fly over the North Pole! I was hoping to get a picture of Santa Claus, but seeing as I wasn't even close to the window I resorted to watching movies. It was cool because there were TV's in front of you and you could choose from hundreds of movies and music. I watched Little Miss Sunshine, The Time Traveler's Wife, and Post Grad just to name a few. I quickly learned that the food on airplanes is indeed pretty terrible since I had never been on a long flight before. All in all, the 16 hour flight went fairly fast because I was able to sleep for about five of those hours.
When we finally arrived in Hong Kong it was already about 10pm and we had missed the last ferry that would accept our checked luggage directly. Fortunately, there were later ferries that traveled to Macau but it meant keeping ALL of our luggage with us! We hauled hundreds of pounds of luggage from the airport to a train to a taxi to a ferry and into another taxi before finally arriving at the University of Macau! From there it was a long string of arguments and frustrations before finally signing into our dorm room around 2am. Let's just say that was a very long day.